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Moving from Apple-to-Android? Read this article first !

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Apple-to-Android Upgrade Comparisons

Bob is a happy owner of a new Apple phone (iOS 10 release). He has chosen it since it is “the biggest iOS release ever”, according to Apple. His sister Mary has decided to pick something different, namely Google’s Android phone. Now, Bob and Mary are wondering who made a better choice.

There are several factors they both must consider to determine which of the two options will be better for them.

Mary is happy when she finds out that Bob had to pay a lot more for his Apple phone than she did for her Android. However, iOS has a more uniform, stylish and simple interface than Android. As interface matters to Mary as well, she decides that her next phone will be made by Apple. She will wait though until she saves more money. If cost is of greatest importance to you, then you should probably stick to Android.

With Android phone, Mary gets more apps than Bob does on his Apple phone. If you are a gamer like Bob (which does not really matter to Mary that much), you will be happy to know that the best mobile games will appear on iOS but will not always come to Android. However, what matters to Mary is that the design of iOS apps is more uniform and stylish. So Android may have more apps but Apple has a higher variety and quality of them.

The Apple App Store offers advantage over Google’s Play Store in terms of its recommendations for new apps, sales on expensive apps and games and simpler interface. Apple Pay allows you to pay for apps and you get increased security by confirming downloads with your fingerprint.

Unfortunately, with all of its advantages, Apple is more restrictive as you can only stick to its own app store. With Android you are able to access alternative app stores but at the risk of being infected by malware. This particular advantage does not really matter to Bob and Mary as the apps’ and interface quality is something that they really care about. If you are interested in getting access to additional sources of apps, then Android might be a better option for you.

Android phone batteries can easily outlast Apple’s because they are bigger. In addition, Android phones can be very quickly charged whereas Apple phones cannot. These features make Mary very happy.

If you want consistent and timely software updates and security patches, then Apple’s iPhone is the only choice for you as you will not have it with any other.

As Mary continues to compare her Android phone to Bob’s Apple, she quickly realizes that her phone is much more customizable. For instance her default keyboard option is more developed and you can set third-party apps for things that are simply locked down in iOS. Again, it is something you may want to consider when choosing your system.

Mary also sees that her phone is great for getting the root access and complete control over her device as well as for determining how the operating system will load up on it. Bob’s phone cannot really do that. However, this is not something that Mary is particularly interested in so the type of phone Bob has still matters to her more.

Some of the other areas where Mary’s Android takes precedence over Bob’s Apple are email, cloud storage, photo backup, connectivity and maps. However, Bob’s iPhone cannot be matched on the arena of calls and messaging, accessories or peripherals, security and camera options; doubtless it is the simplest platform to use.

Therefore, Apple to Android (and vice versa) upgrade comparisons are meaningless as we end up comparing apples to oranges. Everything really depends on you and what is important to you. So it is Mission Repair Centre’s recommendation that you just pick what matters most to you and choose the phone with the greatest number of pros.

Darius Romanek

Mission Repair Centre Team 🙂

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