
Mission Repair Centre

2077 Pembina Hwy #3, Winnipeg, MB

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Mission Repair Centre

6b-3900 Grant Avenue Winnipeg, MB

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(204) 815 - 4009

The Power of Proper Diagnostics of your Computers, Laptops, Cell Phones, Tablets and Gaming Consoles

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Why Is Having Us Running The Diagnostics on Your Device Beneficial For You

Imagine if you were a person with a serious health problem. Will you go to the doctor who will just treat the symptoms of your disease or will you try to find one who will address the root causes?

What can a bad doctor who only treats the symptoms of your disease be compared to? Those Reactive IT Management Businesses (Computer, Cell Phone, IPhone, Gaming Console, Tablet, Repair, etc.) who either charge the client on a Per Hour Basis or give client a quote without diagnosing the issue. Why are these particular approaches not very good for you?

If you are charged on a Per Hour Basis, these charges contain the labour price and might or might not contain the price of an additional hardware that may need to be installed. The key expression here is ‘might or might not’. It suggests the symptomatic approach to the solution of the problem at hand.

If you are provided with a large quote without proper diagnosis of the root cause, you may end up paying more than necessary.

At Mission Repair Centre we are just like good doctors who would never prescribe you any medication without first getting the proper diagnosis of any health issues you might be facing. Just like a good doctor would run all the necessary tests in order to find the exact root cause of your condition to prescribe all the medication you need, we always run thorough diagnostics on your technical device to find the root cause of the problem. Once the root cause is found, we call you and tell you exactly what kind of work needs to be done to bring your device back to life or make it work like a brand new device. This method is transparent and saves you money.

At Mission Repair, this thorough diagnosis usually takes anywhere between 4 and 28 hours (depending on the condition of your device and its hardware peripherals). For example, high end gaming computer’s hardware peripherals and software will take more time to get diagnosed than a mobile/cell phone.

How is the diagnosis process transparent? Well, once we complete the diagnosis we call you (the client), tell you exactly what the root cause is and give you the exact quote to fix/repair your device. We keep our clients posted every step of the way and once the repair is done we sit with you (just like good doctors would do) and suggest/discuss any future preventative measures as we want to keep your problems from reoccurring. Keeping the problems from reoccurring is really the difference between the symptomatic approach and the treatment of the root cause which aims at complete resolution of your problems.

Just like you would go to the doctor who treats the causes of your disease rather than to the one who only addresses its symptoms, you will also not try to treat the problem yourself, perhaps attempting to self-medicate or something of similar nature.

Therefore at Mission Repair Centre we do not advise our potential clients to self-diagnose the issues after reading online articles and/or going on YouTube. From our experience, clients who self-diagnose end up making things worse with their devices rather than better. If they do, it might cost them more money to repair it in the future once they take it to any certified tech shop.

Hence we ask that you please take your device to the certified tech for proper diagnosis of the problems you are having with your technical devices such as computers, cell phones, tablets, gaming consoles, etc.

Amit Bhasin

Mission Repair Centre Team 🙂

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Save $10 on two devices, 15% on three devices and 20% on more than 3 devices. No matter if its a computer or a laptop (PC or MAC), Gaming Console, Tablet, iPad, or an iPod, we are a one stop shop for everything.