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Windows Updates: Things you should Know

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Windows Updates: Things You Should Know

Let’s talk about windows updates. You will learn what they are and why they are so important to you. You will also find out how you should use update features in Windows.

So what are windows updates? To begin, we all know that all software we use needs to be regularly updated from time to time. Same holds true for windows.

Some updates are used to fix both bugs in the code as well as security problems. They can also be used to add functions or features not previously included with the software. Therefore, it is very important that you keep your drivers, applications and your operating system up to date.

Windows Update enables you to download and install recommended and important updates automatically, without having to visit Windows Updates website. To manage them you should go to the Windows Updates console in your Control Panel. “View update history option” will allow you to view a list of previously installed updates. This list will also show you updates that were not installed successfully.

If you hold administrative privileges, you can check for updates and change their settings. Typical settings you could choose from are as follows. You can install them automatically (by default), download and notify (without installing), check for them and notify (without downloading or installing) or check for them manually (not recommended). You are also able to review installed updates and view hidden ones. Choosing to hide an update equals declining it.

As a standard user you can only check for and install new updates. Please remember that Windows Updates rely on Windows Update service, set to start automatically by default.

Updates are classified as either Hot Fixes or Service Packs. A Hot Fix addresses one specific problem with the operating system or its related files. Hot Fixes, created periodically, fix code related problems.

Service Pack or SP identifies a set of hot fixes and other system enhancements. It brings your operating system (OS) up to its most current level. Service Packs are numbered such as SP1, SP2, SP3, etc.

You should be made aware of a couple of things. Hot Fixes and Service Packs are specific to the version of the operating system you are using. If you own a business with several computers, please test your updates before installing them on multiple systems.

There exists another classification for windows updates. They can be viewed as Important, Recommended or Optional.

Important updates address critical security issues. Recommended updates often address functionality issues. Optional updates include driver updates, language packs or updates enhancing or adding functionality to your system.

“Give me recommended updates” option allows us to treat recommended updates same as important ones.

Dynamic updates are downloaded during your Windows system installation. They check for critical updates, using them to patch the OS. They also try to find missing drivers to complete the installation.

Your default Windows Update settings attempt to detect and install important updates every day at 3 am. If your computer is not on at that time, the Windows Update process will start next time you turn your computer on.

Mission Repair Center wants you to remember that keeping your system updated is a part of regular system maintenance. When you experience a problem with a specific device or a program, your first step should be to check for updates and apply them.

Darius Romanek

Mission Repair Centre Team 🙂

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